My name is Jennifer Kaney, and I am in Girl Scouts.
As a Girl Scout, you can achieve many awards, but one of the highest awards you can achieve at the cadette level (6th, 7th and 8th grade) is the Girl Scout Silver Award.
For the Silver Award, you have to find a project that will help your community continuously after you are done and work at least 50 hours towards completing it. For my Silver Award, I decided to make a sign for the prairie that explains what it is, when it was restored, and what you can find in it.
When we got to looking for plans to build the sign, we couldn’t really find anything to help us build one online, so we decided to document what we learned while making ours.
This blog also helps me finish the requirement for the Silver Award of letting anyone anywhere learn about my project, and help other girls be inspired to achieve similar projects themselves. Hopefully, these posts can help anyone else trying to make a similar sign.